Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 5

Sorry I've skipped two days of posting. It's been a hell of a week! I was so tired for some reason on Sunday, and then Phil had his post-op yesterday. It's been really busy here with me having to do most of the baby duties and chores since Phil can not. Who knew how much your shoulder really helped with every day routines. Anyways, both days I did really good.

Here's my stats:


Instant Oatmeal Apples and Cinnamon Low Sugar: 110 calories
Banana and peanut butter on wheat bread sandwich: 379 calories
Smart Pop 2 cups: 32 calories
Chewy Granola Bar: 100 calories
Speggetti: 402 calories
TLC Kashi Dark Chocolate Peanutty: 130 calories
Oatmeal Squares cereal cinnamon: 210 calories
2% milk 1 cup: 122 calories

Total: 1,485 calories or 37 WW points

I went over a little bit, but I was starving and I worked out and went on a walk during the day. So it's okay to do it every once and a while.


Tuna Fish sandwich (lite mayo, yellow mustard, sweet relish and lite canned tuna in water) on wheat: 288 calories
Lite Chicken Parm: 333 calories
Mashed potatoes: 75 calories
Chewy Granola Bars: 100 calories
2% milk 1 1/2 cup: 183 calories
Snackwell's Devil Food cookies 4 cookies: 200 calories

Total: 1,179 calories or 31 WW points


Man what a day today was. I was running errands left and right, packing, cleaning, cooking, chasing around a running toddler! It never ended under now at 10:17 and I've already missed half of the voice! Boo! I'll just have to catch up tomorrow or something

Ham and baby swiss sandwich with honey mustard on wheat: 310 calories
Chewy Bar: 100 calories
Skinny Taste fried chicken: 341 calories
Mashed potatoes: 75 calories
Apple sauce: 18 calories
Green beans: 8 calories
BK Soft serve cone (Don't judge me haha): 240 calories

Total: 1,090 calories

I might not be on tomorrow. I'll be traveling and then this weekend I'll be on a cruise. I'm going to try to be as good as possible, but I might be a little bad since I'll be on vacation and that's allow ;)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 2

We went out and tried to coupon today. But people totally cleared the shelves, total bummer!

Anyways, we went for a walk and went to some new stores that opened this week. My husband, Phil, bought himself some Dots and I resisted eating them. Target gave out free apples since they added produce this month. I took one, I usually don’t like red apples, but this one was DELICIOUS! I ate it all. We went into food lion and I got a pack of flat bread and a bottle of Pepsi Max sicne I was out. (I really wanted it so I rewarded myself with a single bottle)

I came home and put some tomato sauce on the whole wheat flat breads (one for everyone in the family), some mozzarella, and turkey pepperoni for Phil and I. I baked them in the oven for a little and TADA! A low fat/low calorie personal pizza for us all!

So, dinner went great! I had a great filling dinner. I cooked Ginna’s Skinny Taste Oven Baked Fried Chicken, Mrs. T’s Potato and Cheddar Peirogies, corn, and applesauce.

So, instead of using drumsticks, I use boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Still so good. We've been watching parking wars this afternoon, and it's hilarious. To finish up my calories of the day I had 1 cup of 2% milk and 3 snackwell devil's food cookies.

So today my total would be:

Fuju Medium Apple: 80 calories
Flat Bread Pizza with whole grain flatbread, tomato sauce, mozzerella cheese, and 7 pieces of turkey pepperoni: 386 calories

Gina's Skinny Taste Oven Baked Chicken w/chicken breast: 256 calories
Mrs. T's Pieorogies - Potatoes and Cheddar: 170 calories
Musselman's Applesauce 1/10 cup: 18 calories

2% milk 1 cup: 122 calories
3 Snackwell Devil Food cookies: 150 calories

So that's a total of 1,182 calories or 31 WW points!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 1

Today, I had a free 15 minute personal training session. I was sweating like hell and out of breath by the end of it! I can’t wait to start doing it every week. She was great.

After that, I came in and got a nice glass of ice water. I am trying to cut out soda for now. I am a diet soda ADDICT! I don’t drink coffee or tea so I drink diet soda for my energy. But I drink anywhere from 2-5 cokes a day! It’s way too much.

So right now there is no soda. I am going to try to do no soda until the 16th.

So, I made Caroline a mayo, cheese, and tomato sandwich on wheat. Phil had left overs from when we had mexican the other day. And I made myself a reduced fat peanut butter and banana sandwich on wheat bread with my water. I feel good right now. Exhausted… but good

Around 3:30, I went to the store and got a couple snacks for the week. Man, was it hard to pass the soda isle! I wannnntttt my diet pepsi! But I resisted and I got some granola bars that were 100 calories and whole grain and some of this SnackWell Devil’s food cookies. They are 50 calories a cookie, and they are really good!

For dinner I made a low fat Chicken Cordon Bleu. I had one and a half pieces (I always give half of my piece to Caroline). A small scoop of low fat broccoli and cheese (the steamable kind) and a small spoon of mashed potatoes.

I think tomorrow I am going to cook only 3 pieces like normally and then give half of my regular piece to her.

Anyways, I think I might make some Sugar Free, Fat Free pudding mix I got at the store and have a small bit of that.

So over all today I had
Lunch: Whole wheat reduced peanut butter and banana sandwich (379 calories)
Snack: Snackwell Devil's Food cookie (50 calories)
Food Lion Chewy Granola bar (100 calories)
Dinner: One and a half pieces of Chicken Cordon Bleu (403 calories)
Green Giant Steam Fresh Broccoli and Cheese (45 calories)
Hungry Jack Instant Mashed Potatoes: (75 calories)

All together today I've consumed 1,052 calories. Which would equal out to 28 WW points.

Both are under what I should have daily. I should have 1,200 calories or 33 WW points.

So I am definitely going to make some pudding and have some more water tonight.
I also put in 45 minutes of exercise today! Day one went great, I'd say!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hello, my name is Emily. I have struggled with weight my whole life. When I was a junior in high school, I was at my highest weight which was 236 lbs and a size 22/24W. That's when I decided to change. By the end of my Senior year, I weighed 157 lbs and was a 10/12. I got married to a wonderful man a month before I graduated high school, and then shortly following my graduation I became pregnant.

With my pregnancy, I gained a lot of weight especially in the small time I could keep foods down. I went from weighing 160 lbs to 215 lbs! My daughter was born in April 2010. When she was 3 months old, my husband left for Afghanistan. I moved in with his family who were an amazing support group to me. I went from 215 lbs to 178 lbs while I was there. My husband had to come back early due to medical issues. And 5 months later I am up to 205 lbs. I need to stop making excuses and I need to better myself not only for me but for my family, especially my daughter Caroline.

I love sweets, I love food in general. I'm hoping having this blog, posting what I eat, what work outs I do, will help me. I want to get in shape. I want to make myself a better person and I want to fit back into my pre-mom jeans, and maybe even make them too big for me.