Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 5

Today was day 5 and it started out the same boring way it usually does haha. I woke up and got Caroline up and sat her down for breakfast while I had a banana for mine. Before Phil left for work, he commented about how my butt looks much more toned than it did before I started 4 days ago. I have already noticed changes in the mirror and that's only in 4 days!! Got Caroline down for a nap and started Day 5 of Brazil Butt Lift which started out with Bum Bum. Caroline woke up as soon as it was over (which was 30 minutes) so I got out of her crib and we each had a rice cake which is 2 points. We played for a while after that and then I made us tuna fish sandwiches and I had a sugar free vanilla snack pack which was 2 points, so my lunch was 7 points.

After lunch, I put Caroline back down for a longer nap and knocked out Tummy Tuck. Man does that get you. It's all core exercises. Ouch! With the two work outs I earned 5 Activity points. Later in the day, I had a snack which was 3 points which was half a serving (7 crackers) of multigrain wheat thins and a WW cheese spreadable jalapeno flavor.

Around 4pm, I got a letter in the mail from my college that really set me off in a bad mood. Especially since I wasn't able to resolve it today. Short story is I might be kicked out of my college due to my husband having military orders in a different state other than where my school is. So I really didn't want to do anything other than eat, I'm an emotional eater so I really had to control myself.

For dinner I made everyone their own quesadilla. They were so so good! One whole quesadilla is 10 points and I had a dap of light sour cream which was one point plus a half cup of spanish rice which was 3 points. So my dinner was 14 points.

I really didn't want to go on a run because I really was feeling down and out but I pushed myself to go do Chubby Jones week 1 podcast for 26 minutes and I earned 3 activity points. I just finished a 1/2 cup of Dessert Trio ice cream and a rice cake which was 8 points so I'm done for the day still with a point to spare but that is okay.


Points alloted: 35 points
Points used: 34 points
Activity points earned: 7 points

Recipe for Chicken Quesadillas
I used salsa instead of the mango-avacado salsa. :)

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